Monday, March 31, 2025

Bringing Accuracy and Context
to Animal Journalism

Article Review

Rated:  B

Article Review:

"Here's What Starbucks' Sweeping New Animal Welfare Standards Really Mean"

The Village Voice  -  Jan 12, 2015

Village Voice Gives Voice To Voiceless

By ,  January 13, 2015  //  3 Comments

Kudos to Village Voice writer Sara Ventiera for a thorough update on Starbucks’ plans to implement a new set of animal welfare standards. Ventiera notes that while the company has earned its share of flack in recent years, its animal welfare move could assuage...  [View more]

Rated:  C

Article Review:

"All The News That's Fit To Eat"

Civil Eats  -  Jan 09, 2015

Civil Eats Further Scrambles An Already Rotten Egg Story

By ,  January 12, 2015  //  0 Comments

Here’s how the media hierarchy often works: a global authority (say the New York Times) covers a story, the story hits the media radar, and smaller outlets pick it up, paraphrase it, and run it on their own sites. As a rumor churns through a mill, so goes a story...  [View more]

Rated:  D

Article Review:

"Animal Rights Group’s Video of Hens Raises Questions, but Not Just for Farms"

New York Times  -  Jan 09, 2015

New York Times Chickens Out on Brutal Video

By ,  January 10, 2015  //  26 Comments

Early last week the animal activist group Direct Action Everywhere released a harrowing video based on an undercover investigation of Petaluma Farms, a Northern California operation that supplies eggs to Whole Foods and Organic Valley. In it, hundreds of chickens are shown...  [View more]

Rated:  F

Article Review:

"Know What Kind of Life Your Dinner Lived"

Whole Foods  -  Jan 08, 2015

Activists Crack Open Whole Foods’ Humane Egg Claims

By ,  January 8, 2015  //  2 Comments

This new Whole Foods ad appeals to the increasingly popular dictum to know where your food comes from. It reads: “Know What Kind Of Life Your Dinner Lived.” On the face of it, the movement to better understand the inner-workings of the food system is a noble...  [View more]

Rated:  C

Article Review:

"Bones, Broth, Bliss"

New York Times  -  Jan 07, 2015

Boning Up On The Facts

By ,  January 7, 2015  //  1 Comment

In today’s New York Times “Food” section, Julia Moskin, in an article titled “Bones, Broth, Bliss,” frames her feature piece on bone broth in the context of the much-discussed, meat-centric paleo diet, which she identifies as “the diet du jour.” This would...  [View more]

Rated:  F

Article Review:

"As Wild Horses Overrun the West, Ranchers Fear Land Will Be Gobbled Up"

New York Times  -  Sep 30, 2014

Misrepresenting Wild Horses At The New York Times

By ,  January 6, 2015  //  38 Comments

How much disclosure does the media owe its readers? Two New York Times articles illuminate the complexity of this timely question: “Hidden Interests, Closer to Home,” by Public Editor Margaret Sullivan (Sept. 20, 2014), and “As Wild Horses Overrun the West,...  [View more]
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