Welcome to The Daily Pitchfork

Our mission is to bring accuracy and context to the way media presents and analyzes animal issues. We will do this by showcasing the best animal journalism, constructively critiquing the rest, and providing the media with resources to foster effective coverage.
Our focus on accuracy and context are key: Animal issues are more complex today than ever before. The human-animal relationship is not only central to our economic lives, but it bears directly on the environment, food and public safety, policy-making and even basic constitutional rights. Yet the key cornerstones of journalism —“give voice to the voiceless” and “hold accountable those in power”—are too often downplayed or overlooked by those reporting on the human-animal interaction, leaving both animals and the larger public underrepresented, uninformed and frequently misinformed.
Accurate animal journalism is journalism that follows clear and proper guidelines, relies on credible sources, presents accurate facts in the most appropriate language, embraces real science and data, and includes a range of perspectives, including those of animals themselves. These qualities are fundamental to the media’s mission and, as such, they are central to ours.
Thank you for becoming a subscriber, following us on Twitter @dailypitchfork and Facebook and joining our conversation.

I can’t even begin to say how happy I am to see articles from you again!!!! It’s so refreshing to read THE TRUTH!!!!
Hi, just want to say how great it is that you are back…the animals are doing a happy dance…looking forward to following and sharing all of the great information and honest reporting that you do…
Thank you for your excellent and concise article above.
It gives me a clear standard by which to judge media output.
Thanks to both you and James for what you do.
There is bogus reporting everywhere …
Have you seen THIS ? Ugh.
I’m here … in support.
Joanne Miller
949 285-0989
remembering@gmail.com or jmiller@thirdstone.net